Mala SetupEmulators

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Some explanation on configuration of non MAME emulators in MaLa.

New Emulator

Click the 'new' button to create a new emulator. Enter the name of the emulator and click on the 'OK' button.

Find Exe File

Choose the emulator executable by clicking on the '...' button.

Find Rom Path

Select a rom path for your emulator. MaLa collects all extension found in this directory and adds them to the rom extensions field. Additional you can enable a sub directory search.

Command Line

Now it's time to define how MaLa should call the emulator. You can use the following placeholder to define a command line: - %path%: Full path of rom file - %rom%: Name of rom file - %parent%: Name of parent rom file - %ext%: Extension of rom file

Click on the button (Presets) next to the edit field to paste some default command lines or emulator specific command lines. To update your preset file visit the emulator presets page under the download section.

Pre commands

Additional you can add pre and post commands to an emulator. Use the same placeholder for the pre/prost commands. Right click on listboxes to add/edit/delete/move commands in the lists.

Batch files

If you want to run batch files there is no need for an emulator executable, just leave it empty.

Shortcut files

The same goes for shortcuts to run pc games or any other windows application, like jukebox applications. Use 'lnk' as rom extension and %rom% only for the command line.

Artwork Folders

On the 'Options' tab sheet you can add folders for the emulator pictures and videos and define some hotkeys to control the emulator.

After closing the options dialog with 'OK' select the new emulator in the popup or MaLa menu:

Refresh List

Then create/refresh the main game list of the selected emulator with the command 'Refresh main game list'.

See Also

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