Mala Cool
Some cool things about Mala:
You may have been using MaLa and have not been aware that MaLa is capable of making your Cab a Cooler place to play!
Did you know and have you tried?:
=== Cocktail Table Support === One Cool thing that MaLa does is support users with Cocktail tables You have many options depending on how you have wired up your controls.
- Controller Detection: (Controller - cocktail mapping) If you have your controls on each side of the table wired to SEPARATE inputs on your controller you can use this feature. The controls are divided up into sets (the number of sets you need to set up will be the same as the number of sides on your controller you have controllers on..Normally 2 or 3) The game list automatically will rotate to face the user that moves the joystick (or presses a button on that side). MaLa can also be set to display a different custom list for each side (usually with appropriate games for the controls on that side) and send a different command to MAME (if required).Controller Detection
- Auto Game List Change on Rotation (Mame config-Options) This is similar to the above but the rotation is done maunally (by an allocated key). The game list will change depending on whether the orientation is horizontal or vertical.
Encoder programming
Mala can re-program your keybaord encoder 'on the fly' for every game and/or list.
MaLa Tree
The Mala Tree is a menu structure you can use to visually organize your emulators and gamelists. It uses a tree structure, meaning that the elements are organized in levels or "branches".
Filter Lists
Auto Layout Switching
MaLa can change your Layout automatically when you change emulators. This is useful if you have a number of layouts and you want to use the one that matches up with your emulator (Style wise) Layout Switching
Launch normal PC games from MaLa
By creating shortcuts to your PC games (or programs) in a folder you can get MaLa to launch them.
Also Have a look at this post:
Use Marquees/Pics instead of text for my gamelists
In the layout Editor, while Haveing the gamelist selected,
View-object properties and check the 'Image list'
From there you can decide from further options if you want to display Marquees or Snaps in the place of text
Animation Layouts:
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