Difference between revisions of "Desktop controls"

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(added pinball simulator cabinets link)
(17 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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<center>[[Hall of Fame|Hall of Fame]] | [[Upright cabinets|Upright Cabinets]] | [[Cocktail cabinets|Cocktail Cabinets]] | [[Driving/Cockpit cabinets|Driving / Cockpit Cabinets]] | [[Desktop controls|Desktop Controls]] | [[Other arcade projects|Other Arcade Projects]] | [[Jukeboxes|Jukeboxes]] | [[Bartop/Countertop]]</center>
<center>[[Hall of Fame|Hall of Fame]] | [[Upright cabinets|Upright Cabinets]] | [[Cocktail cabinets|Cocktail Cabinets]] | [[Driving/Cockpit cabinets|Driving / Cockpit Cabinets]] | [[Desktop controls|Desktop Controls]] | [[Other arcade projects|Other Arcade Projects]] | [[Jukeboxes|Jukeboxes]] | [[Bartop/Countertop]] | [[Pinball Simulator Cabinets]]</center>
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* [[image:CC_Signature_Multi_Stick.jpg |90px]] [[CC Signature Multi Stick]]
* [[image:CC_Signature_Multi_Stick.jpg |90px]] [[CC Signature Multi Stick]]
* [[image:CD_Vision's_Arcade_Controls_page.jpg |90px]] [[CD_Vision's Arcade Controls page]]
* [[image:CD_Vision's_Arcade_Controls_page.jpg |90px]] [[CD_Vision's Arcade Controls page]]
* [[ChrisF's Learner Project]]
* [[image:ChrisF's_Learner_Project.jpg |90px]] [[ChrisF's Learner Project]]
* [[chucks mame/dc controls]]
* [[image:Chucks_mame_dc_controls.jpg |90px]] [[chucks mame/dc controls]]
* [[Coffee Table Arcade]]
* [[image:Coffee_Table_Arcade.jpg |90px]] [[Coffee Table Arcade]]
* [[Coin Box for use with X-Arcade controller]]
* [[image:Coin_Box_for_use_with_X-Arcade_controller.jpg |90px]] [[Coin Box for use with X-Arcade controller]]
* [[Colin's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[image:Colin's_Arcade_Joystick.jpg |90px]] [[Colin's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[Connolly's 2 Player  Control Panel]]
* [[image:Connolly.jpg |90px]] [[Connolly's 2 Player  Control Panel]]
* [[Cyber Sidewinder Arcade Stick]]
* [[image:Cyber_Sidewinder_Arcade_Stick.jpg |90px]] [[Cyber Sidewinder Arcade Stick]]
* [[DBut's Joystick Project]]
* [[image:DBut's_Joystick_Project.jpg |90px]] [[DBut's Joystick Project]]
* [[Dennis Brown's Desktop Arcade Controls]]
* [[image:Dennis_Brown's_Desktop_Arcade_Controls.jpg |90px]] [[Dennis Brown's Desktop Arcade Controls]]
* [[DigitalPuppy's Keyboard Hack]]
* [[image:DigitalPuppy's_Keyboard_Hack.jpg |90px]] [[DigitalPuppy's Keyboard Hack]]
* [[Dr. J's NeoGeo console 2 USB Gravis Hack.]]
* [[image:DrJ's_NeoGeo_console_2_USB_Gravis_Hack..jpg |90px]] [[Dr. J's NeoGeo console 2 USB Gravis Hack.]]
* [[Ed's First Classic Arcade CONTROL PANEL]]
* [[image:Ed's_First_Classic_Arcade_CONTROL_PANEL.jpg |90px]] [[Ed's First Classic Arcade CONTROL PANEL]]
* [[Genesis2PC]]
* [[image:Genesis2PC.jpg |90px]] [[Genesis2PC]]
* [[HomeMVS and Arcade Controls Project!]]
* [[image:HomeMVS_and_Arcade_Controls_Project!.jpg |90px]] [[HomeMVS and Arcade Controls Project!]]
* [[HumanoidSoftware's Guide to Building Arcade Controls Panels]]
* [[image:HumanoidSoftware's_Guide_to_Building_Arcade_Controls_Panels.jpg |90px]] [[HumanoidSoftware's Guide to Building Arcade Controls Panels]]
* [[Hurricade Joystick Conversion]]
* [[image:Hurricade_Joystick_Conversion.jpg |90px]] [[Hurricade Joystick Conversion]]
* [[Jake Stookey's Defender Desktop CP]]
* [[image:Jake_Stookey's_Defender_Desktop_CP.jpg |90px]] [[Jake Stookey's Defender Desktop CP]]
* [[Jason H's Arcade Control Panel]]
* [[image:Jason_H's_Arcade_Control_Panel.jpg |90px]] [[Jason H's Arcade Control Panel]]
* [[Jim's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[image:Jim's_Arcade_Joystick.jpg |90px]] [[Jim's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[Jink's Desktop Arcade]]
* [[image:Jink's_Desktop_Arcade.jpg |90px]] [[Jink's Desktop Arcade]]
* [[jmora's Arcade Controller Walkthrough]]
* [[image:Jmora's_Arcade_Controller_Walkthrough.jpg |90px]] [[jmora's Arcade Controller Walkthrough]]
* [[Jobstick]]
* [[image:Jobstick.jpg |90px]] [[Jobstick]]
* [[Joey's Arcade Controls Project]]
* [[image:Joey's_Arcade_Controls_Project.jpg |90px]] [[Joey's Arcade Controls Project]]
* [[John IV's Mame32QA Controller]]
* [[image:John_IV's_Mame32QA_Controller.jpg |90px]] [[John IV's Mame32QA Controller]]
* [[Just Another Mame Cab...]]
* [[image:Just_Another_Mame_Cab....jpg |90px]] [[Just Another Mame Cab...]]
* [[Ken's 4 player control panel]]
* [[image:Ken's_4_player_control_panel.jpg |90px]] [[Ken's 4 player control panel]]
* [[KiLLerCloWn's Sidewinder Hack]]
* [[image:KiLLerCloWn's_Sidewinder_Hack.jpg |90px]] [[KiLLerCloWn's Sidewinder Hack]]
* [[Lanzer's Joystick Building Guide]]
* [[image:Lanzer's_Joystick_Building_Guide.jpg |90px]] [[Lanzer's Joystick Building Guide]]
* [[m3talslug's fighter joystick collection]]
* [[image:M3talslug's_fighter_joystick_collection.jpg |90px]] [[m3talslug's fighter joystick collection]]
* [[macgyv's arcade controls project]]
* [[image:Macgyv's_arcade_controls_project.jpg |90px]] [[macgyv's arcade controls project]]
* [[Mame Control]]
* [[image:Mame_Control.jpg |90px]] [[Mame Control]]
* [[MameStation]]
* [[image:MameStation.jpg |90px]] [[MameStation]]
* [[Matt's MAME Controls Project]]
* [[image:Matt's_MAME_Controls_Project.jpg |90px]] [[Matt's MAME Controls Project]]
* [[Mike's Leon inspired CP]]
* [[image:Leon.jpg |90px]] [[Mike's Leon inspired CP]]
* [[Mini MAME]]
* [[image:Mini_MAME.jpg |90px]] [[Mini MAME]]
* [[Modular Control Panel]]
* [[image:Modular_Control_Panel.jpg |90px]] [[Modular Control Panel]]
* [[Mr Emulator 2]]
* [[image:Mr_Emulator_2.jpg |90px]] [[Mr Emulator 2]]
* [[MS Xbox Arcade Joystick and Hack guide]]
* [[image:MS_Xbox_Arcade_Joystick_and_Hack_guide.jpg |90px]] [[MS Xbox Arcade Joystick and Hack guide]]
* [[NuLLpAd]]
* [[image:NuLLpAd.jpg |90px]] [[NuLLpAd]]
* [[Nuts & Volts Magazine Arcade Controller]]
* [[image:Nuts_&_Volts_Magazine_Arcade_Controller.jpg |90px]] [[Nuts & Volts Magazine Arcade Controller]]
* [[Pc virtua stick arcade !! (French site)]]
* [[image:Pc_virtua_stick_arcade_!!_(French_site).jpg |90px]] [[Pc virtua stick arcade !! (French site)]]
* [[Peter's Build An Arcade Joystick Page]]
* [[image:Peter's_Build_An_Arcade_Joystick_Page.jpg |90px]] [[Peter's Build An Arcade Joystick Page]]
* [[Power Stick by Rsmaster 2k]]
* [[image:Power_Stick_by_Rsmaster_2k.jpg |90px]] [[Power Stick by Rsmaster 2k]]
* [[Prawdad's Arcade Control Panel]]
* [[image:Prawdad's_Arcade_Control_Panel.jpg |90px]] [[Prawdad's Arcade Control Panel]]
* [[Proyecto Control Arcade Dreamcast]]
* [[image:Proyecto_Control_Arcade_Dreamcast.jpg |90px]] [[Proyecto Control Arcade Dreamcast]]
* [[PsyStick]]
* [[image:PsyStick.jpg |90px]] [[PsyStick]]
* [[Real Arcade Joystick]]
* [[image:Real_Arcade_Joystick.jpg |90px]] [[Real Arcade Joystick]]
* [[Rodney's Patriot and other control panels]]
* [[image:Rodney's_Patriot_and_other_control_panels.jpg |90px]] [[Rodney's Patriot and other control panels]]
* [[Rogimeister's Custom Arcade Controller]]
* [[image:Rogimeister's_Custom_Arcade_Controller.jpg |90px]] [[Rogimeister's Custom Arcade Controller]]
* [[Ron's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[image:Ron's_Arcade_Joystick.jpg |90px]] [[Ron's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[RoTeNdO's Gaming Sticks]]
* [[image:RoTeNdO's_Gaming_Sticks.jpg |90px]] [[RoTeNdO's Gaming Sticks]]
* [[Rurouni Kenshin Anime Arcade]]
* [[image:Ryan's_Joystick_Project.jpg |90px]] [[Ryan's Joystick Project]]
* [[Ryan's Joystick Project]]
* [[image:Seiti_Arcade_Control.jpg |90px]] [[Seiti Arcade Control]]
* [[Seiti Arcade Control]]
* [[image:Shadow's_Control_Panel.jpg |90px]] [[Shadow's Control Panel]]
* [[Shadow's Control Panel]]
* [[image:Smiffs_Arcade_Stick_Project.jpg |90px]] [[Smiffs Arcade Stick Project]]
* [[Smiffs Arcade Stick Project]]
* [[image:SNAAAKE'S_all_laminated_custom_built_2_player_arcade_joystick_for_MAME..jpg |90px]] [[SNAAAKE'S all laminated custom built 2 player arcade joystick for MAME.]]
* [[SNAAAKE'S all laminated custom built 2 player arcade joystick for MAME.]]
* [[image:SNAAAKE's_dual_pimpin_mame_joystick.jpg |90px]] [[SNAAAKE's dual pimpin mame/dc/ps2/psx joystick !]]
* [[SNAAAKE's dual pimpin mame/dc/ps2/psx joystick !]]
* [[image:SNAAAKE's_joystick_joystick_joystick.jpg |90px]] [[SNAAAKE's joystick joystick joystick]]
* [[SNAAAKE's joystick joystick joystick]]
* [[image:SNAAAKE's_ugly_joystick_!.jpg |90px]] [[SNAAAKE's ugly joystick !]]
* [[SNAAAKE's ugly joystick !]]
* [[image:Sporty's_Comfortable_Stick.jpg |90px]] [[Sporty's Comfortable Stick]]
* [[Sporty's Comfortable Stick]]
* [[image:Stealth_Arcade_PlayStation_controller.jpg |90px]] [[Stealth Arcade PlayStation controller]]
* [[Stealth Arcade PlayStation controller]]
* [[image:Stein's_Trackball_Build.jpg |90px]] [[Stein's Trackball Build]]
* [[Stein's Trackball Build]]
* [[image:Steve's_MacMAME_Arcade_Experiment.jpg |90px]] [[Steve's MacMAME Arcade Experiment]]
* [[Steve's MacMAME Arcade Experiment]]
* [[image:Super_Arcade_Multi-Control.jpg |90px]] [[Super Arcade Multi-Control]]
* [[Super Arcade Multi-Control]]
* [[image:Superion.jpg |90px]] [[Superion]]
* [[Superion]]
* [[image:SUPEROMA.jpg|90px]] [[SUPEROMA]]
* [[image:Syntharcade.jpg|90px]] [[syntharcade]]
* [[syntharcade]]
* [[image:The_easy_Steering_Wheel.gif|90px]] [[The easy Steering Wheel]]
* [[The Dude's Independent MS Sidewinder Controllers]]
* [[image:The_GAJA_Box.jpg|90px]] [[The GAJA Box]]
* [[The easy Steering Wheel]]
* [[image:The_MAME_Stick.jpg|90px]] [[The MAME Stick]]
* [[The GAJA Box]]
* [[image:thydzik's_arcade_stick.jpg|90px]] [[thydzik's arcade stick]]
* [[The MAME Stick]]
* [[image:Wooden.jpg|90px]] [[Wooden]]
* [[ThundeR's Arcade Joystick]]
* [[image:Xucro_Joystick.jpg|90px]] [[Xucro Joystick]]
* [[thydzik's arcade stick]]
* [[image:You_Don't_Know_Jack_controllers_v.2.jpg|90px]] [[You Don't Know Jack controllers v.2]]
* [[Wireless GameCube Arcade Joystick]]
* [[image:Zombie's_Arcade_Controls.jpg|90px]] [[Zombie's Arcade Controls]]
* [[Wooden]]
* [[Xucro Joystick]]
* [[You Don't Know Jack controllers v.2]]
* [[Zombie's Arcade Controls]]
== Wrong Category ==
== Wrong Category ==
* [[1UP's Rotating Control Panel]] - Upright Cab
* [[Rurouni Kenshin Anime Arcade]] - Upright Cab
* [http://www.digitex.net/xcalibur/starcade.html Xcalicade] - It a upright cabinet.
* [http://www.digitex.net/xcalibur/starcade.html Xcalicade] - It a upright cabinet.
* [http://www.lowerhell.com/mame/ lowerhell MAME cabinet] - Wrong category: It a fullsize upright cabinet.
* [http://www.lowerhell.com/mame/ lowerhell MAME cabinet] - Wrong category: It a fullsize upright cabinet.
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* [ Aluminum Flight CP] - Great site, but can not find this project
* [ Aluminum Flight CP] - Great site, but can not find this project
* [http://antinull.com/ NuLLpAd Mach II] - Can not find this project.
* [http://antinull.com/ NuLLpAd Mach II] - Can not find this project.
* [[ThundeR's Arcade Joystick]] - Nothing displays
== Deadlinks ==
== Deadlinks ==
Line 143: Line 140:
* [http://www.hoytland.com/mame%20controller.html Matt's Sidewinder Arcade Controller]
* [http://www.hoytland.com/mame%20controller.html Matt's Sidewinder Arcade Controller]
* [http://www.alphasqorner.com AlphasQontroller]
* [http://www.alphasqorner.com AlphasQontroller]
* [[The Dude's Independent MS Sidewinder Controllers]]
* [[Wireless GameCube Arcade Joystick]]
==See Also==
==See Also==

Latest revision as of 12:25, 7 April 2009

Hall of Fame | Upright Cabinets | Cocktail Cabinets | Driving / Cockpit Cabinets | Desktop Controls | Other Arcade Projects | Jukeboxes | Bartop/Countertop | Pinball Simulator Cabinets

Links checked on July 2006

Desktop Arcade Controls

Wrong Category

Website Problems


See Also
